News: Computer Science

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Computer Scientists Find Mass Extinctions Can Accelerate Evolution

Robots evolve more quickly and efficiently after a virtual mass extinction modeled after real-life disasters such as the one that killed off the dinosaurs.

At the start of the simulation, a biped robot controlled by a computationally evolved brain stands upright on a 16 meter by 16 meter surface.


Freshmen Fight Cyber Attacks and Other Societal Threats

College freshmen involved in UT Austin's Freshman Research Initiative work in labs on the real-world problem of System Security.

Students at a table in the GDC atrium looking at laptop computers and sharing their coding projects.


Hooray for Pi Day

Pi plays a central role in the research of scientists and mathematicians at UT Austin.

A pi symbol


Two Assistant Professors Win CAREER Awards from National Science Foundation

The CAREER awards are intended to recognize promising young faculty and support their research with five years of funding.

Işil Dillig and Ilya Finkelstein


Computer Scientist Wins Sloan Fellowship and NSF CAREER Award

Işil Dillig works to improve the security and reliability of computer software systems and has been awarded both a Sloan Research Fellowship and an NSF...

Işil Dillig in a conference room setting


New Statistical Method Helps Reveal Timing of Key Events in Plant Evolution

Comparing plant DNA from over one hundred plant species from across the green tree of life, the scientists produced some exciting findings, including that evolution...

Micrasterias thomasiana. Image credit: UTEX Culture Collection of Algae/Ann Clemens


Visualizing Science 2014: Beautiful Images From College Research

This past spring, we asked faculty, staff and students in the College of Natural Sciences community to send us images that celebrated the extraordinary beauty...

Polarized light microscopy image of a copepod


Chemist and Computational Biologist Elected Fellows of National Science Organization

AAAS fellows are chosen annually by their peers to recognize their scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications.

Ron Elber and William Press.


Eight Natural Sciences Faculty Receive 2013 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Awards

The awards program is one of the nation's largest monetary teaching recognition programs in higher education, honoring outstanding performance in the classroom and dedication to...

Regents Award